Validation Data Collection – Online Training

The online training for validation data collection has started. The African Early Adopters are being trained to collect and process data acquired during sampling campaigns planned to validate our algorithms and products.

Webinar DAY 1 (18.11.2024)

  • Introduction of the remote sensing crop monitoring activities in the project PRISMA 4 Africa.
  • Illustration of the variables object of the validation activities. Theory and practice of the measurement methodologies.
  • PocketLAI theory and practice Installation on participants’ smartphones (only Android OS).
  • Discussion Q&A.

Webinar DAY 2 (20.11.2024)

  • Digital Hemispherical Photography (DHP) with fisheye lenses on smartphones. Theory and practice. Lens fitting, photo collection and download.
    Pixel check with image processing software.
  • Installation of Can Eye software and calibration of smartphone lenses.
  • Theory and practice of chlorophyll measurements in plant leaves.
  • Discussion Q&A.

Webinar Day 3 is just around the corner—stay tuned!